No one wants to see that Screen Out message in their email in-box.
But we like to look at what’s normally considered a negative and find ways to make it a positive.
Screen Outs are top on that list. We know they’re inconvenient, often ill-timed, and create a lot of stress in your department. But you can get positive mileage from them, and here are four ways to do just that.
1. SBA just gave you some important one-on-one training
They pointed out your errors and may even have given you some laser focus on where to find the guidance in SOPs. And they’ve suggested corrections. This is a great way to train your team on important points in putting together these packages.
2. Trending issues become clear
You can look at the results of recent Screen Outs and identify any trending issues. Now you know what to focus on – and you can develop a plan. For instance, do you need to update checklists, provide additional training, enhance procedures, or update your Credit Memo template (just to name a few)?
3. Engage your staff in problem-solving
Not all solutions to an issue are simple; sometimes it takes a village. Use the Screen Outs as a way to jumpstart staff discussions on procedural issues and corrections. The person who performs the work regularly usually has a better solution than the one who reviews or manages the process. Be open-minded and welcoming of suggestions from all involved.
4. PLP Lenders: this applies to you too!
Use those occasional GP submissions and Screen Outs as a pulse check on your process, procedures, checklists, and staff.
When you’re in the trenches, these Screen Outs certainly can make you a little nuts. Keep a clear head throughout the resolution process, and then conduct an honest review of the trends – and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’ve strengthened your program.
As always, if we can help – whether by supporting you in reviewing procedures or in resolving the Screen Outs themselves – just give us a holler. We’ll schedule time to talk and see what makes sense for helping you improve!